Students Prepare for Takeoff Thanks to 体育菠菜大平台’s Aviation Program

Posted: January 21, 2025 12:00:00 AM CST

At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, there’s truly no ceiling for students involved in the aviation program. Students Yu Nakamura and Levi Schroeder are perfect examples of how high you can fly when given the right opportunity. 

Levi and Yu in front of cesena

Born and raised in Saitama, Japan, Yu Nakamura discovered his love for flying during a study abroad program in San Francisco. He was “fascinated by how big and fast airplanes were.” It was later while in high school attending the Japan Aviation Academy that he truly began to pursue his dream of becoming a pilot. He knew he “would eventually need to earn (his) pilot license in the U.S.” and also wanted a way to become proficient in English, so he again made the decision to study abroad.

He explains that he researched many universities and flight schools before he discovered the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Even though he was unsure where Nebraska was located, he learned through further research that many international students were studying aviation and doing flight training at 体育菠菜大平台’s College of Business and Technology. Nakamura says he “liked that 体育菠菜大平台 has a smaller student population” because he knew it would make it easier for him to “focus and build close relationships.”

Yu standing in front of CesnaIt comes as no surprise that he quickly discovered the people and environment truly are what makes the CBT so special. Whether it’s his classmates who he describes as “friendly and easy to get along with” or the aviation fraternity he is a part of, Nakamura is grateful for the “incredibly welcoming and supportive” community at 体育菠菜大平台’s CBT.

Nakamura also credits his professors for the exceptional environment that has made him feel at home. His aviation professors, with the real-world experience they bring to the classroom, have helped him to understand what it “truly means to be a pilot” and has “deepened (his) passion for  aviation.” His ultimate goal is to become a corporate pilot flying private jets for an American company, a dream he believes will come true thanks to the aviation program at 体育菠菜大平台.

Much like Nakamura, Levi Schroeder made the decision to attend 体育菠菜大平台 “because of the small-town vibe.” He appreciates the small class size, sharing that he knows “every single freshman who is in aviation.”  Levi in front of Cesna

When he was younger, he listened to his two uncles, who are both pilots, tell stories about their flying careers. He states it made him want to fly and that they inspired him from a “very young age.” All it took to seal the deal for Schroeder was one flight in a plane that one of his uncles actually built himself. After that, he shares that he “was hooked.”

It wasn’t only his uncles who inspired him. Schroeder is grateful that his parents made it possible for him to take numerous flights during his childhood. He explains how he “begged (his) parents to book flights instead of driving everywhere.” Once in the air, he “would just love it” when they “hit a bit of turbulence.”

Although he is looking forward to the day when he has his own career in aviation, Schroeder is currently busy enjoying life as a college student. He appreciates his professors who he states “will talk with you like you’re one of their peers.” He is also grateful that, from professors to students, he has “never had a bad encounter with anyone” on campus.

Yu inspecting airplane

Specifically, Schroeder believes joining Alpha Eta Rho has had the biggest impact on him as a 体育菠菜大平台 student. He explains how members of the fraternity have treated him like family and “regularly check in” on him and “make arrangements to hang out.” In addition to the social aspect, they also have provided guidance for his future aviation career. He especially appreciates the opportunities he has been given to meet with companies with whom he can potentially work one day. 

Levi and Riggs at Aviation Networking EventSchroeder would like to work for an airline after he has logged the required 1250 hours of flight time. He also can see himself “being at the airport teaching students” who are at the level he is currently at. He would like to “make their dreams come true” the same way his flight instructor is currently doing for him. He admits the world of aviation is very broad and is looking forward to exploring his horizons.

Both Nakamura and Schroeder invite 体育菠菜大平台 students to give the aviation program a try. Nakamura shares that “ 体育菠菜大平台 is a great  place for aviation training because Kearney Airport doesn’t have a lot of air traffic which allows for more flight opportunities.”  He’s excited that the aviation program is growing because he believes it’s “an excellent place for anyone who wants to become a pilot or pursue a career in aviation.” He would like to share with future students that 体育菠菜大平台 is “a place where you can grow, connect, and explore your future.”  Schroeder would like to add that future students “need to get into various groups and clubs” because he’s proof that it is “so much fun meeting new people and making new friends.”

For these two students, the sky’s truly the limit. 体育菠菜大平台’s aviation program is the perfect way for any student to soar into a successful and exciting future.


By: Sandy Brannan

Category: General, Business and Technology

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