体育菠菜大平台 Concerning and Risky Events (CARE) Team
体育菠菜大平台’s CARE Team is a group of professionals from across the campus that receives referrals on students of concern, collects additional information, and identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the concerns. The purpose of the team is to provide a confidential means for early intervention of at-risk students through collaboration with campus departments, faculty, and staff.
Students exhibiting behaviors that are of concern in relation to their personal, physical, and emotional well-being should be referred to CARE Team. The CARE Team is not meant to be the sole mechanism of communication and will not take the place of services provided by Student Health and Counseling, Student Conduct Office, University Police, or other established student services.
CARE Team provides a central structure for campus departments and offices that need help dealing with a student who is displaying concerning, disruptive, or distressed behaviors. The team is also tasked to develop a strategic plan of action to ensure the safety of the student and the campus at large.
Members of the CARE Team:
- Wendy Schardt - Director, Student Health & Counseling | (308) 865-8047
- Sally Brechbill - CARE Team Manager | (308) 865-8954
- Trelana Daniel - Director, Residence Life | (308) 865-8519
- Aaron Estes - Director, Academic Success & Disability Services | (308) 865-8988
- Ricci Fast - Director, Police & Parking Services | (308) 865-8911
- Vacant - Director, Community Standards and Student Conduct | (308) 865-1619
- Emily Beaman - Assistant Director, Academic Advising & Career Development | (308) 865-8501
- Vacant - Investigations & Education Sergeant, 体育菠菜大平台 Police | (308) 865-8911
- Rachel Page - Associate Athletic Director, Compliance & Senior Woman Administrator | (308) 865-8863
- Kayleigh Dawson - Assistant Director for Compliance, Office of Compliance | (308) 865-8655
- Vacant - Title, International Education | (308) 865-XXXX
- Jennifer Harvey - Director, Thompson Scholars Learning Community | (308) 865-8364
- Holly Peterson - Administrative Coordinator, Students Affairs | (308) 865-8528
- Karlee Nuttelman - Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life | (308) 865-8057
- Heather Kaestner - Nurse Specialist at UNMC | (308) 865-1605