Proposal Guidelines

New to the 2020-2021 cycle, each RSC application has slightly different requirements for the text of submission. Within the system are detailed instructions for each type of proposal.

A. General Instructions

In preparing a proposal, applicants should realize that the RSC is a multidisciplinary group whose members may not have expertise in the applicant’s field. Please avoid jargon whenever possible, and explain clearly any technical terms and procedures that are critical to the proposal.

All proposals must be submitted through NuRamp: Proposers are strongly encouraged to work with their RSC representative in advance of submitting an application; reach out – they are nice and want to see you succeed!

     The application form requires:

  • Your name, college, and department (Online Form)

  • Project Information: Title & project dates (Online Form)

  • Compliance Information (IRB, IACUC [Online Form]) - You just check a box

  • Export Controls - Check the appropriate box

  • File Upload - Please upload the following:

    • Project Narrative (Instructions below)

    • Budget

    • Budget Narrative with Detail

    • Abbreviated Vitae/Resume of Graduate Student (2 Pages max)

    • Appendices (e.g. figures, tables, relevant instruments)

B. Guide to Writing

1. Project Narrative (Page Length Specific to type of Application; General Applications require a 1 page narrative, all other applications require a 2-5 page narrative)

Proposals submitted to the RSC differ in nature as a consequence of our different support programs and the different activities proposed. In all cases, proposals should include the following sections in the Project Narrative:

a. Objectives. This section should clearly state the purpose of the project, e.g. the questions/issues/hypotheses/creative activity to be addressed.

b. Research Significance and Innovation. The applicant should establish the importance of the proposed project in relation to the field of study and the applicant’s professional activities and development. This may include a brief literature review to establish the theoretical background of the project.

c. Methodology and Work Plan. This section should contain a description of the project design and methods to be used or activities to be executed in completing the project.  The nature of this information will vary depending on the type of project proposed. The applicant should also provide a timetable for completing the major components of the project. Note that the RSC does not fund retroactively. When co-investigators are involved, please explain the role and anticipated contributions of each.

d. Potential Impact/Deliverable/Dissemination Plan. This section should describe how the results of this project will be shared with outside audiences. The goal of this funding opportunity is to build evidence and create a strong case as to why the project is deserving of a major federal funding request.

e. References Cited.

2. Budget & Budget Narrative

Please provide a detailed budget (the office of Sponsored Programs will supply a budget template upon request). In the budget narrative tell us how the requested money will be used, who will be participating, and whether your department is willing to contribute additional funds toward your project. See the funding stipulations below:

  • Travel requests should be limited to major expenses such as plane tickets and hotels. In-state travel must be extensive to be considered. Explain why the trip is a necessary part of the project and why existing communications technology will not suffice. All requests must follow current 体育菠菜大平台 travel policies. Full explanation of RSC travel rules can be found in the “Additional Budgeting Tips” file available from the application start page on NURamp or from the RFA email announcement.

  • Meals should be for overnight extended trips and not “to cover lunch” during a day-trip. These expenses could be listed as an individual, department/college contribution.

  • If the researcher needs to engage the services of someone to complete the research, services must be paid by the university and not out-of-pocket by the researcher.

C. Submission of Proposals

All applications must be submitted electronically. Please contact your RSC representative or the Office of Sponsored Programs if you have questions or problems with this process.